15th Airedale
Booking the scout hut
What to do:
- Please check your booking doesn't fall upon a key date on the dates page.
- Email to enquire to hut@airedale.co.uk.
The Green ------> mondaycubs@15thairedale.co.uk
Guiseley ------> wednesdaycubs@15thairedale.co.uk
West Yorkshire ------> scouts@15thairedale.co.uk
LS20 9BT ------> hut@15thairedale.co.uk
On 11th may 2013 at 14.00.
Niall and Andrew threw themselves off a 160 ft gantry in an old steel mill with just a piece of elastic tied to their legs.
This was done to raise funds to help pay for some of our cubs, scouts and explorer scouts go to France for an activity week at a PLG camp in Normandy.
We all think Niall deserves a few extra sponsors just for overcoming his fear.
Should you wish to make a donation please see Niall on Monday evenings or Andy on Tuesdays.