Knowing the claimant count is a great piece of knowledge for numerous reseasons. Knowing the claimant count is important in terms of attempting to gain an understanding in how we can try and prevent the growth. Despite the system being an incredibly vital and unique method, helping millions around the UK in the cost of living crisis, I do believe the system is something that cannot be relied upon, hence why we need to keep it low. Knowing the data further allows us to track the trends in how the count changes overtime for future prjections, which is what inspired this project. My next step is to use this data to broaden towards the bigger picture. The towns and cities I have used are quite large in population, some considerably larger than others, but comparing the count to the population is crucial as when algined with the increase in people claiming benefits, it gives us an approximate estimation on how many more people have joined the system, a pivotal number to know when exploring the impact of COVID19 on peoples lives in the North.
Below enables you to chose a Town/City I have researched and accumilated data upon to see the change in percentage:
(WARNING! Not all areas of Yorkshire had data partaken... some areas when searched may show "No data" message)